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Placenta Encapsulation
Louise Rostock
Placenta Remedies Specialist
Mandala Placenta Encapsulation
07760 396 981
Hi, I’m Louise a mother of 3 children, I strongly believe that women and birthing parents should have the right to choose to benefit from all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients their placenta has to offer.
Some people think consuming your placenta is a recent fad, in fact it is an ancient ritual that even appears in the bible! It is just more palatable to consume in the 21st century! History of placenta consumption in relation to post-partum healing can be found in Europe and the Far East.
Li Shi-Zhen one of China’s first medical experts, included placenta zi he chi as a medicine in his first TCM Materia Medica published in 1578. He considered the placenta to be a powerful and sacred medicine, a ‘full of life force’ organ that should be consumed to support a healing mother after birth. This is the method used to prepare the steamed capsules.
Placenta was also used in the 18-19th century in Europe. Nurses would place a small piece of placenta on your gums between your cheek and teeth to reduce bleeding, speed up recovery and help your milk come in faster! There is also evidence that by eating a small piece can stop haemorrhaging, when all medical intervention failed. This is why it’s a great idea to drink a placenta smoothie!
We lost the placenta practices that were carried out hundreds of years ago with the introduction of modern medicine until an American midwife called Raven Lang re-introduced placenta remedies in the 1980’s.
When you go into labour your body is on a high with all the hormones rushing around your system, oxytocin and endorphins are just a few of the hormones in your placenta, there are 17 in total! When you have given birth to baby and placenta all of the hormones you were carrying for the past 9 months leave your body. You can help balance your body by replacing these hormones and having your placenta encapsulated.
Benefits of consuming your placenta: -
Replenishes iron levels. You lose between 1/8 -1/10 of your blood during a ‘normal’ labour. Each capsule is rich in iron helping your iron levels recover quicker. Lack of iron can also impact your milk supply and energy levels. Clients rave about the abundance of energy they have at one of the most tiring times in their lives.
Promotes lactation, aiding breast feeding. A study carried out and 86% of women positively benefitted from taking capsules in relation to an increase in milk supply. Clients report their milk coming in quicker and also have full breasts within ½ - 1 hour of taking a capsule once milk is established.
Combats stress and unlocks energy stores. The high levels of cortisone in your placenta help alleviate your stress levels. Stimulates the production of endorphins which help increase wellbeing. A very sad statistic 1 in 10 women will develop PND after birth. A study carried out with 1,100 women between 2013 & 2015 and only 2 women were reported being diagnosed with PND which is amazing. Clients who have suffered with PND in the past and didn’t encapsulate their placenta do the next time and the difference they feel is life changing.
Supports cellular healing of the skin and body. Vitamin E and cytokines are great for maintaining healthy skin cells. Many clients are complimented on their radiant glow and benefit from great hair and nails. Assist the uterus to its pre-pregnancy state. Your placenta helps contract your uterus so you can return to your pre pregnancy shape and weight quicker. One client commented how quickly her tummy was reducing just 2 weeks after having her 2nd caesarean.
Reduce post-natal bleeding. You can bleed heavily for up to 6 weeks after birth. On average, clients report heavy bleeding for 2-3 weeks. Balance hormones. Your placenta contains 17 different hormones as well as vitamins minerals and nutrients. One clients husband noticed how grumpy his wife was if she’d forgotten to take a capsule as they balanced her hormones and regulated her mood.
The process is super simple. Contact me via Facebook, Instagram or website. I will email a booking form. 3 weeks before your due date I will send out a chiller pack. To keep your placenta safe for consumption and some forms about the care of your placenta, your midwife will confirm your placenta is safe for encapsulation. I pride myself on the service I offer. I am on call for you 24/7. I will come and collect your placenta as soon as you are ready for me to do so. Either from the hospital or your home. I aim to have your capsules back with you within 48 hours so you can start reaping the benefits.
All capsules come with a free cord keepsake, cord & placenta art available.